
Gardens Open for Charity - Sunday 8th June 2014 2pm until 6pm

Index of Sites / Index 2014 / Map 2014 / List of Gardens 2014/

Welcome to the fifteenth anniversary of Frimley Green Open Gardens Day. The gardens this year are all very different in size and style, so there should be something to interest everyone. The price includes entry to all participating gardens. The gardens may be visited in any order, although the list and map provides a logical route to follow. They are for the most part easily manageable on foot, the furthest being no more than 15 mins walk from the Green.

Teas will be provided by the Frimley Green Guides on the Green from 2pm to 6pm. Some gardens may also be able to offer drinks of water on request.The Carnival Committee would like to thank all the owners, helpers, Scouts, Guides and others for giving their time, equipment and their gardens to make this day possible.

All proceeds will benefit various local charitable causes.

We hope you will enjoy your visit to the Frimley Green Open Gardens. This has proved to be a very popular addition to the Carnival Committee's programme, and we would all like to see it as an annual event. However to do so WE NEED YOUR GARDEN. If you can help, or can recommend a friend or a neighbour in the main part of the village (do ask first) please ring Geraldine Huggon on 01252 835311 or Jan Ainsworth on 01252 835272. Our Open Day is always on the second Sunday in June.

Index of Sites / Index 2014 / Map 2014 / List of Gardens 2014/