Frimley Green Village Open Day 2006
Gardens Open for Charity
Sunday 11th June 2006 2pm until 6pm
Welcome to the seventh Frimley Green Open Gardens Day. This year we have some new gardens, and some changed ones. They are all very different in size and style, so there should be something to interest everyone. The price includes entry to all participating gardens.
The gardens may be visited in any order, although the list and map provides a logical route to follow. They are for the most part easily manageable on foot, the furthest being no more than 15 mins walk from the Green.
Teas will be provided by the Frimley Green Guides on the Green from 2pm to 6pm and a “watering hole” will be provided by the Carnival Committee at 2 Sayers Close, by courtesy of John and Honor Hicks. Drinks of water or squash will be available here at a minimal cost to anyone who is literally “gasping”.
The Committee hope you enjoy the day, and thank all the owners, helpers, Scouts, Guides and others for giving their time, equipment and their gardens to make this day possible. Especial thanks to CARSON AND CO for providing the map and for producing this programme.
The price includes entry to all
participating gardens.
All proceeds will benefit local charities.
Index of Sites / Index 2006 / Map 2006 / List of Gardens 2006
More Information
We are particularly keen to hear from anyone who might be willing to open their garden or who could spare an hour or two to help out on the day. If you would like to find out more about the Frimley Green Open Gardens Day, please speak to Jan Ainsworth on 01252 835272 or Geraldine Huggon on 01252 835311. Our Open Day is always on the second Sunday in June.
Thank You
The organisers would like to offer a huge vote of thanks to all the people who are making this day possible. In particular -
- All the garden openers
- Frimley Green Carnival Committee
- First Frimley Green and Mytchett Guides for refreshments
- Scouts for giving up their time to help
- Ben Anthony the webmaster, please e-mail >> ben @ mispah .com
- Carson & Company
- And all the other volunteers and helpers
Index of Sites / Index 2006 / Map 2006 / List of Gardens 2006